CiviTest - Pesquisa de Novos Materiais para a Engenharia Civil, Lda. Lúcio Lourenço Portugal, Vila Nova de Famalicão
- Offer Consultancy, Research and Development Solutions for the Civil Construction Industry
Clarke, Modet & Cº Dulce Varandas Portugal, Porto
Clarke, Modet & Cº Jorge Machado Portugal, Porto
- Offer Intellectual Property Advice
Clínica do Dragão, Espregueira-Mendes Sports Centre - FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence Rogério Pereira Portugal, Porto
- Offer medical devices world distribution - Porto Knee Testing Device
- Offer Training of medical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and other medical staff
- Offer Surgeries and medical services in Porto
- Project idea Consultancy for clinics and hospitals that are interested in building and organizing Sports clinics
Clínica Médica e Dentária de Estarreja Rui Carreira Portugal, Estarreja
- Request Health tourism innovation
Comfort Keepers Rui Leite Portugal, Porto
- Request Business partners
- Offer Seniors Home care
Commitment AS Frank Lillehagen Norway, Lysaker west of Oslo
Conquistar - intelligence partnership Isabel Oliva-Teles Portugal, Aveiro
- PhD Prospects PhD prospects welcomed
- Request BIC
- Offer Portugal 2020
Consoc Industries SA Marcio Paiva Portugal, Santo Tirso
- Offer Partnership
- Offer Partnership
Consulmatos lda Pedro Matos Portugal, Azeitão
- Offer Internationalization
Consultoria e Gestão de Projetos Daniel Sereno Portugal, Porto
- Offer Business and Product Development - Sustainable Energy Solutions
- Offer Business and Product Development - Composite Materials
- Offer Business Intelligence Development
- Offer Process and Business Innovation in HEalthcare
- Request innovation management
CTCP Maria José Ferreira Portugal, São João da Madeira
D2M-Energytransit Dâmaso Silva Portugal, PORTO
- Offer Innovative Technologies Commercial Partnerships
- Project idea Project of Electricity Storage /Electric Mobility
Dellent Consulting Pedro Fernandes Portugal, Aveiro
Deusto Business School Edurne Inigo Spain, Bilbao
Digitalflow Rafael Fernandes Portugal, Porto
- Offer Digitalflow - IDEACHEF®
Digitalflow Rui Patricio Portugal, Porto
- Offer ideaChef®
EDINyourideas Dário Teixeira Portugal, Guimarães
- Offer Product Design & Engineering
- Request Investement
- Project idea Product development
Efacec Nuno Silva Portugal, Porto
- Offer Efacec - Energy, Transportation and Automation
Bilateral Talks
- Participants115
- Meetings Requested318
- Meetings Accepted163
Profile views
- Before Event3102
- After Event247488
- Registration:Open until 19. JuneMeetings selection: 01. June - 19. JunePartnering event:21. June
- Language: EnglishCost: Free of charge