Bilateral Meetings
- 09-00 am - 12.00 am

DescriptionThe clinic has an experienced team of physicians and health experts to advise and assist all treatments.
In its first years, the clinic has invested mostly in dental pratice, namely orthodontics, implants and odonto-pediatric treatments.
On the verge of celebrating 10 years, we are broadening the variety of medical and other health services provided, and are investing
in the offer of complementary services to customers that would like to take the opportunity to visit the north region.
In its first years, the clinic has invested mostly in dental pratice, namely orthodontics, implants and odonto-pediatric treatments.
On the verge of celebrating 10 years, we are broadening the variety of medical and other health services provided, and are investing
in the offer of complementary services to customers that would like to take the opportunity to visit the north region.
Organization Type
Health tourism innovation
We would be interested in creating a health tourism cooperating network, so we would require collaboration with several parners such as travel agencies, transport providers, hotels, and access to financing specifically adapted to a micro-business
Cooperation Requested
- Investment/Financing
- Technical co-operation