Bilateral Meetings
- 09-00 am - 12.00 am
- 14.00 pm - 17.00 pm

D2M-Energytransit is a start-up company with two main vectors of activity, although in the same area – Innovative Renewable Energy Technologies.
The first vector is the commercialization of smart solutions developed by other companies, which show the highest business potential for the markets D2M-Energytransit wants to target. Being these markets the Iberian Peninsula and the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community. Such are the cases of Floating Photovoltaics and Urban Eolian, both undeniably innovative and specially fitted for those realities. We are receptive to Renewable Energy technologies that can further enrich our product/solutions portfolio.
The second vector has to do with own R&D
and relates to Electrical MobilityElectricity Storage. The patent pending device D2M-Energytransit
has conceived is currently under further development and financing partners search.
Innovative Technologies Commercial Partnerships
Our company is focused on Green Economy activity by commercializing Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency innovative technologies. We are searching for products that fit this description to enrich our portfolio and better serve our clients projects.
- Sales / Distribution
Project of Electricity Storage /Electric Mobility
In cooperation with Portuguese Aveiro University we have designed a lab prototype as part of our invention development. The international application is PCT nº IB2014/059685 "Modular Electrical Energy Storage Device and its uses".
Prototype proves the invention claims, namely:
- Batteries connections are arranged for storing electricity up to the full content of their added capacities
- Any battery can be electrically disconnected from the set through the Management and Control System (MCS)
- Batteries inter-connections are activated in the appropriate type (parallel, series, mix) to obtain an output current according to the needs (AC or DC)
- It is possible to perform several operations simultaneously (DC output(s),AC output, battery physical extraction/swap)
- System identifies in real time the state of each battery, matrix and of the whole.
This means the MEESD can charge at any Electric Power Source up to its full capacity, then interrupt the electrical connections of the batteries, transport the stored electricity to destination(s) and supply it in the appropriate current type(s) and level(s).
All operations made are supervised by the system and their details logged.
We are looking for technical partnerships and investors for the next phases of the project development.
- Technical co-operation
- Investment/Financing