INESC TEC Ana Cristina Barros Portugal, Porto
- Request Partners for H2020 projects
- Offer Industry 4.0 concepts selection and implementation
CTCP Maria José Ferreira Portugal, São João da Madeira
CEI LDA Fermando Sousa Portugal, São Joao da Madeira
Dellent Consulting Pedro Fernandes Portugal, Aveiro
Consulmatos lda Pedro Matos Portugal, Azeitão
- Offer Internationalization
University of Aveiro Vera Carlos Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto
- Offer Consultancy on the area of digital services
- Offer Consultancy on the area of new products/services development
InnovationCast Carlos Mendes Portugal, Porto
- Offer Looking for new partnerships
Universidade do Minho Said Jalali Portugal, Guimarães
Busigners Susana Branco Portugal, Lisbon
- Offer User research for discovery
- Offer We make corporates innovate like startups.
- Request Reserve Pitch Event
- Offer Business Design (innovation process)
PGD - Design & Innovation Pedro Gomes Portugal, Aveiro
- Offer Technology transfer for new product development
- Offer Holistic Brand Experience
- Offer Business Design & Innovation
- Offer Industrial Design & Development
- Project idea The future of Aging.
- Project idea The future of Banking retail
ISPIM Volunteer Maie Peetri Portugal,
GPPQ H2020 - ANI/FCT Cristina Gouveia Portugal, Lisboa
- Offer Horizon 2020 Support
CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environment Ana Cavadas Portugal, Porto
FNWAY Paulo Ramos Portugal, Viseu
- Offer Applications for EU funds
Conquistar - intelligence partnership Isabel Oliva-Teles Portugal, Aveiro
- PhD Prospects PhD prospects welcomed
- Request BIC
- Offer Portugal 2020
i3S João Cortez Portugal, Porto
- Offer Support to seed-projects/startups in the health technology sector
i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde Margarida Rossi Portugal, Porto
Celoplás, S.A. Ana Cortez Portugal,
- Offer Celoplás S.A.
SONAE Tânia Calçada Portugal, Matosinhos
INEGI Marta Oliveira Portugal, PORTO
Bilateral Talks
- Participants115
- Meetings Requested318
- Meetings Accepted163
Profile views
- Before Event3102
- After Event242803
- Registration:Open until 19. JuneMeetings selection: 01. June - 19. JunePartnering event:21. June
- Language: EnglishCost: Free of charge