Carlos Almeida
Marketing Coordinator
Fibrenamics - UMinho
Bilateral Meetings
- 09-00 am - 12.00 am
- 14.00 pm - 17.00 pm

DescriptionFibrenamics is an international platform that belongs to University of Minho that is working across sectors – with an emphasis on architecture, construction, sport, medicine, protection, transport and home textiles – covering all the extraordinary world of fibers.Underpinned by a multidisciplinary team with scientific fields ranging from a multitude of engineering areas (Textile, Structures, Polymers, Biomedical, Mechanical, Materials, Chemistry, Electronics, etc.) to the human sciences and communication, Fibrenamics has 15 registered patents, more than 500 articles published in scientific journals and conferences, and has several innovative products developed in partnership with industrial players that are a tremendous success in the market. Fibrenamics network has more than 250 entities, from both the Scientific and Technological System (national and international), companies and business agents, elementary and high schools, and the media partners.
Fibrenamics mission is to be the common denominator for innovation and multi-sectoral cooperation, contributing to the socio-economic development and business competitiveness on a sustained basis in the short, medium and long term. Because we believe that the fibers are the future, we work daily with a clear objective: ‘Fibre the Future’!
Fibrenamics mission is to be the common denominator for innovation and multi-sectoral cooperation, contributing to the socio-economic development and business competitiveness on a sustained basis in the short, medium and long term. Because we believe that the fibers are the future, we work daily with a clear objective: ‘Fibre the Future’!
Organization Type
University/Research Center, Cluster
Partner for Product Development Projects - Fiber and/or Composite Materials
The answer to society real problems as well as the transfer of technology to the market in the form of innovative products – grounded at the junction of scientific knowledge with the business technological capacity of Fibrenamics partners – is our daily mission .
We carry research and technological development projects directly with companies, creating innovative value-added products to the market.
In this meeting we're looking for potential partners for product development.
Find more of our work at: www.fibrenamics.com
Cooperation Offered
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Other