Bilateral Meetings
- 09-00 am - 12.00 am
- 14.00 pm - 17.00 pm

U.Porto Innovation, the Technology Transfer Office of University of Porto, supports the link between University of Porto and Industry, acting and providing support in the fields of intellectual property, technology transfer, entrepreneurship & spin-off creation, and university-industry relations.
It actively promotes and supports entrepreneurship and spin-off creation, as well as University-Industry relations by organizing competitions, training, workshops, meetings, study visits, and encouraging R&D collaborations.
We manage commercially a portfolio of technologies generated within the University in diverse areas from engineering, physical sciences, economics, management, law, health, architecture, arts, fine arts, psychology, nutrition, food technology, sports, etc. We are also interested in matching industry needs, procurements and challenges with University of Porto scientific and technological expertise.
Looking for R&D and innovation national and international partnerships
We are open to new partnerships, for instance in the framework of applications for Portuguese and/or European public funds for R&D and innovation
- Investment/Financing
- Other
University of Porto R&D and innovation expertise
As sales people of University of Porto we search for R&D and innovation expertise in order to answer to Industry challenges.
Check University of Porto resources at
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
University of Porto Patents Portfolio
We commercialize University of Porto technologies in a myriad of fields of knowledge. Check examples of our portfolio at:
- License agreement
- Investment/Financing