Bilateral Meetings
- 09-00 am - 12.00 am
- 14.00 pm - 17.00 pm

Established in 1960 as a research-design institute for automation, IPA SA has kept until now its main profile: research & development, design, production, assembling, service and consultancy of automation and IT equipments and installations, in industry (chemistry and oil processing, metallurgy, building materials, energy, machines building), environmental protection (emission/imission control, toxic emissions, meteo-hydro parameters monitoring), services for citizen ( public information system, lighting up control of landing/ take-off runways, seismic parameters monitoring, barrages survey, security and fire alarm systems).
After 1990, IPA has become a trading company on shares, maintaining its profile. Since 1997, IPA has a flexible structure, becoming more efficient and more profitable. At the present time, IPA is an integrally private company, which has implemented and maintains a quality system according with the SR-EN-ISO standards.
Through its subsidiaries situated in the main cities of Romania (Cluj, Craiova, Galati), IPA SA successfully covers the Romanian territory in its field of activity.
IPA SA deals mainly in R & D activities, in Romanian national programs and internationally ( FP6, FP7, CIP, TTQM-PHARE, EUREKA, Leonardo da Vinci etc.) financed projects.
IPA has initiated and organizes international conferences/symposiums, such as: E -COMM- LINE (Bucharest, annually), AQTR 2 (THETA 16) (Cluj- Napoca, one in 2 years), SINTES (once in 2 years). Open Forum for Innovation and Technological Transfer (Bucharest, annually), H2 FUEL CELLS MILLENIUM CONVERGENCE (Bucharest, annually) and participates at the most important fairs and exhibitions local and international.
Looking for partners for european projects
IPA SA is interested to collaborate with companies from European Union with simillar profile of activity, in order to develop complex automation systems, installations and sollutions for automation, and to provide consultancy according to the markets needs through various type of collaboration, as: joint venture, representant, and others. IPA SA has also interest in joining consortium for projects within the research programs from various financing programmes.